


With the drifting clouds and shades of green, and with the advent of midsummer and the end of the final exam, the students finally usher in the long-awaited vacation, and the teachers' work also usher in a new node. Recently, Macduffie has held three summary meetings in succession: a final sharing meeting for teachers, an exchange meeting for homeroom teachers, and the second semester summary meeting. Looking back at the past and planning for the future, the aim is to create a better learning environment for students.



Exchanging Teaching Ideas




The improvement of teachers' professional qualities and the enhancement of classroom practical ability often cannot be separated from the collision of wisdom. At the final sharing meeting of teachers, they expressed their opinions and explored teaching methods together to complement each other's weaknesses. This is not only responsible for the students, but also the growth of the teachers' themselves.




Discussing Class Management



Afterwards, the each homeroom teacher conducted a more in-depth discussion, carefully understood the problems faced by each class, and discussed each other's doubts in class management to find answers together.



Creating a New Future for Macduffie


下午,上海美达菲全体教职工举行了以「不忘初心 “疫”往直前 携手共进 “菲”越创新」为主题的美达菲2019学年第二学期工作总结大会,随后上海美达菲学校教学副校长孙辉女士上台分享了本学年学生成绩以及下学期学生课程设置的调整,在给大家树立信心的同时,提醒大家做好相关准备。

In the afternoon, all the staff of Shanghai Macduffie held a summary meeting of the second semester of the 2019 school year with the theme of "Not forgetting the original heart and the epidemic and working together to advance and be more innovative". Ms. Sun Hui, the vice-principal of the school, took the stage to share the students achievements of the current school year and the adjustment of the student curriculum for the next semester. While building confidence, everyone was reminded to make relevant preparations.

2020 IB全球统考成绩

2020 IB Global Exam Results


Full score of 45 points, global average score of 29.90 points, and the average grade of our senior IB class was 35.8 points; diploma pass rate is 100%, excellent rate was as high as 80%; multiple subjects achieved a good score of 7 points, a better performance compared with last year .


Admission of Graduates


Lin Shiyi, Xue Yuezhi and some other students entered University College London; Gao Qi entered New York University; Jin Siyu entered Boston University; 72% of the graduates won the TOP 30 universities’ offers in the world.


Teachers have redefined the syllabus and syllabus

in terms of courses


In the ninth and tenth years, there are no longer any courses, but general education. Skills education and critical thinking courses are newly added. These two courses use the same teaching materials and teaching contents as the American Macduffie School.


The eleventh and twelfth grades are taught in separate courses. The twelfth grade IB class joined the biology class and provided the AP courses for the AC class for the first time.


To increase the proportion of campus activities, clubs and competition guidance, and use colorful campus life to cultivate students' comprehensive development ability.



An Ye from the International Business Cooperation Department of the Macduffie Group said that when you come to Macduffie, if you are good enough, the door of the Ivy League and Oxford will be open for you. If you are only at a medium level, we can send you to the top 50 universities in the world.



Li Yonghua, deputy director of the Student Development Center, said that due to the cooperation of the homeroom teachers in charge of the class, the disciplinary violations dropped by 60% during the semester.



Mr. Scoggins, the head of the AP curriculum at Shanghai Macduffie, said that he will pay attention to the development of teachers in the professional field in the future. Everyone’s progress together is the progress of the school. I hope everyone will work hard to make Shanghai Macduffie School more professional.



Mr. Zheng, Executive Vice President of Shanghai Macduffie, said that the progress of the school is inseparable from everyone's efforts. In order to complete the goal of fine management of the school, everyone has paid a lot. I hope everyone will continue to cheer and climb together in the new school year.


The conclusion is to move forward better. The new school year means a new starting point, new opportunities, and new challenges. In the future, Macduffie School will become better and better with the joint efforts of all the faculty, thus helping more Macduffie students realize their dreams.

