

生于非典 考于新冠

Born during SARS, taking Gaokao in Covid-19


Dumbledore once said, “It is not our abilities that decide who we truly are, it is our choices.”No one wants to determine his life based on just one exam. Shanghai Macduffie Bilingual School gives you more choices to help you realize your dream in the future.


Some people say that the 2020 candidates are facing the toughest situation. According to the Ministry of Education, about 10.71 million students will register for the Gaokao in 2020, nearly 400,000 more than last year.



According to the admission rate of all provinces in 2019, more than 50 percent of candidates will not be able to get a bachelor's degree, and 21 percent will not be able to get a university degree. With the end of Gaokao, or the college entrance examination, everything settles. Some people are happy and some are worried. Some have stepped into the renowned universities while some have nowhere to go.


“Gaokao is the only way out”.This saying has been imprinted on the mind of every Chinese for decades. With the development of the economy and technology, we gradually see that “all roads lead to Rome”. Gaokao is no longer the single bridge, and we can have more life choices.


加拿大安大略省高中文凭课程Ontario Secondary School Diploma(OSSD)(名校预科班)


Shanghai Macduffie Bilingual Senior High School offers the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) (pre-course for top universities) for many students.



The program is open to all Grade 11 students and the ones that failed Gaokao, who will earn enough credits at the end of the year to earn an Ontario High School diploma. This diploma has a high recognition all over the world, and is recognized by universities in almost all countries, including countries such as The United Kingdom, The United States, Canada, and Australia. It is a universal diploma to enter the university worldwide. Students who complete the course gain an edge in the university application process by virtue of their Ontario status.



Integrating with the university's curriculum


The Ontario High School Diploma program is very flexible and follows the principle of "teaching students according to their aptitude". Except for English and mathematics, all other courses are optional. Students can choose their favorite subjects according to their interests and strengths.



Shanghai Macduffie strictly adheres to the curriculum setting of secondary schools in Ontario, Canada. In addition to English, mathematics, calculus, and other required subjects, it also offers elective courses such as physics, chemistry, biology, business, art, media, etc., to meet the needs of different students. More importantly, these courses are closely linked with undergraduate courses to help students accumulate knowledge for further development.



There is no standardized tests! A process-oriented grading system supplemented by exams


The Ontario High School Diploma (OSSD) focuses on the learning process and the state of learning. It adopts the science grading mode of “70% homework +30% exam results”, instead of determining the final result only on exams.



The curriculum in Ontario, Canada is independent of test-oriented thinking. It only requires daily academic and language scores, and can be applied and admitted to the top universities in Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand (except the United States) without other SAT and exams similar to“national college entrance examination".



Ontario's student status gives students access to prestigious universities


Thinking out of the box of examinations, the whole application program will greatly reduce the learning pressure of many students. If the student's destination country is Canada, then the course has an absolute advantage.



A large part of Canada's educational resources are distributed in Ontario, such as the well-known university of Toronto, University of Waterloo, McMaster University and other world-renowned universities. More than half of Ontario's educational resources, based on local protectionism, are reserved for local students, with the rest for competition among international students from other provinces and other countries. Under the Canadian curriculum system, students of Shanghai Macduffie Bilingual School can register as Ontario students, apply for universities as Ontario students, share local resources of Ontario, and greatly reduce the threshold of elite schools.


While GaoKao requires

you to have the right answer,

Life requires you to make the right decisions.

